Salmiac by Halva has been produced since 1960 at the Pitäjänmäki factory in Helsinki. The first salmiac products included: salmiac pastilles as well as Salty Liquorice bars, Old Cars salty jellies, Salty Fish jellies and Salty Diamond jellies. Nowadays the selection has expanded and the product selection includes new salmiac favourites in addition to the old familiar ones. Our current selection covers both milder-tasting salmiac sweets as well as fiery and strong-tasting products suitable for the bravest and daring salmiac lovers.
Salmiac, which combines both the sweet and salty flavour, is a particularly treasured treat for us Nordics. Salmiac sweets brings delight at the festive table and in other delicious moments of everyday life. They also suit perfectly for baking. Try for example salmiac in macaroons, muffins, cheesecakes or ice cream dishes. For your next Halloween party create the scariest candy bowl by mixing different flavoured salty candies together. Only your imagination is the limit!
We want to create delightful and memorable taste experiences as well as produce high quality and the best liquorice in the world for every consumer. From Halva’s selection you can find salmiac to everyones taste: gluten free, vegan, sugar free, grain free, lactose free, dairy free, soya free as well as nut and egg free.